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Showing posts from April, 2022

Fall Apart

Today, as I sat sobbing cross-legged on the floor in my bathroom--exhausted from working a straight ten-hour shift broken up by a single 20-minute meal in the middle, emotionally drained from agonizing over the feelings of coworkers, frustrated with my husband for not taking out the garbage or doing the dishes, and angry with my daughter for drawing on her furniture yet again--I found myself overwhelmed by the crippling devastation of neglected emotions.  I had locked the door and put on headphones so I wouldn't be able to hear my husband knocking, and I had turned the music up loud enough to drown out the sound of my breathing. If the music was loud enough to do that, then it was loud enough to drown out my thoughts, and let's be honest; Sometimes, we just don't have the strength to deal with those anymore. So, I mindlessly scrolled through Facebook, waiting for the feelings of anger and frustration, impatience and self-loathing, unexplainable melancholy and anxiety to pas...