When we were kids, we had everyone else do stuff for us. We still do! But when did we cross that line between walking on crutches and standing on our own two feet? I haven't yet. My parents still pay for my shelter, food, education, (I can't say clothing because I have recently bought all my clothes) and transportation. I owe my place in our class system to them for the some hundred thousands of dollars they have spent on me in my lifetime. When I can get a job and can live on my own, I will start over again. So when do we stop walking on the support (crutches) God has provided for us? When we are old enough? When we deserve it? Does God ever really let us go? I quote from my profile, "When I am walking down the path, he is telling my feet where to go, but not really moving them for me, that is my job. And though I stray from the path all the time, He is there to set me straight again." I think God does let us go, eventually, when we are strong enough to support ours...
The thoughts, feelings, and creations of a notorious people pleaser whose best communicating comes in the form of the written word.